25 Resume Building Tips: Avoiding Typical Mistakes

If you’re still looking for a job after 2 weeks of searching and wondering how to find a job fast, you might be making some mistakes. A resume isn’t just a collection of information for others to decipher. Your resume is a self-presentation tool: it should be easy to read, concise, and engaging, capturing and maintaining the reader’s attention.

In this article, we’ll discuss how to create an attractive and effective resume by examining some of the most common mistakes and offering specific tips on how to avoid them, helping you find a job within two weeks.

Tip #1 – Be Honest

Let’s start with the simplest and most important tip, even though it may not be the most obvious to many people.

Exaggeration and lies have unfortunately become common on many resumes, as they have proven effective to some extent. Yes, they might help you pass the ATS check or even get an interview. But what happens next? How will you prove you have skills you haven’t acquired or experience you don’t possess? Many people think they’ve succeeded by lying on their resumes, but in reality, they’ve lost at a more crucial stage.

A good and trustworthy resume is not one where you inflate your skills and experiences but where you present the truth in the most compelling way. And here, we move on to the next tip.

Tip #2 – Put in Extra Effort

Simply filling out a template is not enough. A completed template is just raw material. To create a resume that draws attention, you need to tailor it to each job opening you apply for. Start by reading the job description carefully, as it usually specifies exactly what they are looking for in a resume. These are known as keywords.

Your next step is to ensure that most of these keywords are included in your resume. Keep in mind that the more frequently a keyword appears in the job description, the more often you should include it in your resume. However, remember the first tip: do not include skills or experiences you don’t actually possess.

If you do everything correctly, you increase your chances of passing the initial application tracking system (ATS) check. When choosing a resume template, be aware that some templates may not be ATS-friendly, even if they are in PDF format. To avoid this issue, look for various resume examples by occupation that are marked “ATS-friendly”.

Tip #3 – Maintain Professionalism

Even if you don’t have much experience with resume building, there are certain mistakes you should avoid to create an image of a responsible professional. These include: grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors; the use of slang and jargon; inappropriate language; an unprofessional email address; and referring to yourself in the third person.

When it comes to writing, some mistakes can become nearly invisible to someone who has been working on it for a while. However, when you review it with fresh eyes, you’ll quickly spot every misspelled word and missed punctuation. Make sure to proofread thoroughly before attaching your resume to an application.

Some words may be misspelled, but others are best avoided altogether. These include jargon, slang, and any rude or offensive expressions. Remember that HR professionals specialize in human resources, not in your specific field. Therefore, avoid using excessive professional jargon unless it is a relevant keyword.

Choosing an email address can be tricky, as you might need to include numbers or letters if your full name is already taken. This is perfectly fine and understandable. However, using an email address based on someone else’s name, a fictional character, or anything unrelated to your name appears very unprofessional. Similarly, the domain should be trustworthy and well-known, or it should belong to your own website.

Another common mistake is using third-person pronouns when describing yourself or your past experiences. Some recruiters find this approach awkward, while others consider it a grammatical error. To avoid any negative impact on the first impression, use sentences that focus on your actions without referring to yourself in the third person.

Tip #4 – Watch the Length

The ideal length for a resume is generally considered to be between 1 and 2 pages. Even a single page can make a significant difference, so use this space wisely. The length often depends on the amount of work experience you have:

  • If you have limited experience or have worked at a single company for a long time, there’s no need to stretch your resume to two pages in an attempt to create an illusion of extensive experience. In this case, a one-page resume is ideal.
  • Conversely, if you have a substantial amount of experience, especially when applying for a managerial position, it’s important to detail your responsibilities and achievements at each relevant workplace.

Keep in mind that you can add details to your education section or include additional information in your work experience, such as volunteering, internships, university projects, and similar activities if you need to fill space.

Tip #5 – Highlight Achievements

After passing the ATS with the necessary keywords, your resume will be reviewed by an HR specialist or recruiter. Both typically scan the resume quickly, and if something catches their eye, they’ll read more closely. To stand out to a human resource professional, your resume needs to have that “something special.”

By “something special,” we don’t mean any magic or questionable tricks. Instead, we’re referring to showcasing evidence of your hard work and professional and personal growth. The best way to achieve this is by using action verbs and quantifying your achievements. Instead of just listing your job duties, highlight how your actions benefited the company, such as increasing sales, improving operations, expanding the client database, or reducing errors.

Focusing on what you achieved rather than simply listing your duties attracts much more attention and makes your resume stand out. It also adds diversity to your resume. For example, if you’ve worked in three different companies performing similar duties, listing them all repeatedly doesn’t add much value. Instead, describe each position as a unique experience, highlighting how each role taught you something new and allowed you to achieve different results. This approach will be more impactful.

A resume is more than just a collection of sentences about your past; it’s your ticket to taking the first step toward your dream job. Building a complete, thoughtful, and attractive resume is crucial. By following these tips and uhired resume builder, you can avoid common mistakes made by many job seekers, thereby increasing your chances of securing the job you want.



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