
H5P activities list

This book includes 102 H5P activities. Only those which have been inserted into book content will be included if the book is cloned.

ID Title Activity type Show/Hide
2Knowledge CheckMultiple Choice
3Backpacks should be stored:Multiple Choice
4When performing experiments at my benchtop, I should execute them:Multiple Choice
5Disposable glass pipettes used for fecal flotation should be placed in which of the following waste reciprocals the following use?Multiple Choice
6Disposable glass pipettes used for fecal flotation should be placed in which of the following waste reciprocals following use?Multiple Choice
7Disposable plastic pipettes used for urinalysis should be placed in which of the following waste reciprocals following use?Multiple Choice
8If I leave my benchtop dirty, ___________ points will be deducted from my course total each time.Fill in the Blanks
9The silver tray on my benchtop is disinfected with which of the following?Multiple Choice
10Which of the following techniques would you recommend to try and identify motile stages of protozoans?Multiple Choice
11Which of the following solutions is recommended for recovering Giardia cysts?Multiple Choice
12The Fecalyzer® kit uses which of the following techniques to recover parasite ova?Multiple Choice
13When evaluating samples that have not been stained, such as fecal flotations and urine sediment exams, the condenser on my microscope should be in the _______________ position?Multiple Choice
14What stain can be added to a glass slide that is about to be examined following flotation to enhance the Giardia cysts?Multiple Choice
15Quantitative fecal flotation from an individual and one-time point are of limited value and serial quantitative fecal exams from multiple animals are recommended to help estimate pasture contamination or anthelminthic resistance.Multiple Choice
16Which of the following techniques is used in a quantitative fecal flotation?Multiple Choice
17Which of the following techniques uses Sheather’s sugar solution to float the parasitic ova for a quantitative fecal exam?Multiple Choice
18Which of the following quantitative technique is recommended for animals that you expect to have high epg in their feces?Multiple Choice
19Which of the following methods is preferred for the enumeration of helminth ova?Multiple Choice
20Using the formula for the McMaster’s technique, what is the estimated epg for Nematodirus?Multiple Choice
21The PCR technique is used to specifically detect which of the following in a clinical sample?Multiple Choice
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