Book Title: Drafting a House History

Book Description: This guide contains the chief sources of information to be found in government offices and institutions in the Minneapolis-St. Paul area. By following the steps outlined, a good basic history of one's house can be assembled - when it was built, who built it, who owned it, its dimensions, its cost, and materials used. A search might also lead to the discovery of changes subsequently made to the property, when these changes occurred, and what they cost. A search might even uncover the original floor plan and exterior appearance. Suggestions for additional research are provided for diligent researchers who want more information about styles, the architectural history of Minneapolis, St. Paul, and the nation, or the political and social history of the cities, the states, or their neighborhoods.
Book Information
Drafting a House History Copyright © by Compiled by Barbara Bezat and Alan K. Lathrop is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.