8 Equine Palpation Labs Fall (Y3)
Lab Summary
Lab Summary:
- Lab Name: Equine Palpation
- Course: CVM 6727 (001, 002)
- Cohort Year: 3
- Semester: Fall
Course Information:
- Course Coordinator: Dr. Kerry Kuhle
- Course Instructor: Dr. Kerry Kuhle & Dr. Scott Madill (back-up)
- Technician Lead: Melissa Prokop
- Additional Instructors: Eileen Kuhlmann & Sally Lightner (back-up)
Lab Location:
- Building: Leatherdale Equine Center (UMEC or Piper)
- Location & Storage:
- Storage: Theriogenology Lab
- Lab Location: Equine Theriogenology Collection Room
- Alt. Storage: Tan Metal Cabinet – UMEC Teaching Store Room
- Support Staff & Contacts: Max Meyers (Dudley Barn Manager)
4 weeks Prior to Lab
- Check Supply Stock Levels in the Therio Repro Lab Cabinets
- Move over any supplies from Tan Metal Cabinet (UMEC)
- Order any supplies needed
- Supply List: 3yr Palpation Lab (tab)
1-2 weeks PRior to Lab
Stock the Main Supply Cart
1- week Prior to Lab
- Secure 3 carts for ultrasounds (u/s)
- Set-up time with Max to help you move stocks
- Time depends on hospital use of the Therio Collection Room
- Coordinate w/ Max’s schedule
- Check for Blank Record Sheets
- In the Blue Binder on the Supply cart
- Used For:
- Recorded in during lab
- Allow to look back on sedation history in lab
- DVMs make cycle notes on mares for future reference
- Make notes about any abnormal findings like:
- abnormal anatomy
- Blood on rectal sleeve = time off for mare
- Transfer to Official horse record books at end of lab
2-3 Days Prior to Lab
- Plug in U/S in UMEC Therio Repro Lab area (counter w/ multi-strip)
- Final Check: Carts /Supplies (Hospital borrows things)
- Draw up Drugs: (sometimes draw up a week in advance)
- Draw up drugs in separate syringes
- Use rubber syringe caps
- Pre-printed Labels – make sure expiration date is on label
- Use clear tape to hold label on
- Draw up only enough for a lab or two
- Make sure Sedation and Oxytocin are kept separate
- Oxytocin is LIGHT SENSITIVE – keep in small brown ziploc bag
1-2 Days Prior To Lab
Note: Possibly done AM of lab depending of room usage
- Set-up Stocks for Lab: (see picture at end of chapter)
- move into place
- crank up all 4 wheels & make sure stock floors are on the ground/balanced on each set of stocks
- Cross Ties are on appropriate end for horse’s head
- Tail ropes are on each of the stocks opposite the head end
- Grey Buckets:
- Can set these up in Therio lab by Sink
- Make sure there is not a stallion collection
- Set-up Room: If room is not being used you can set-up Supply Carts
1.5hours before Lab
Set-up Therio Jump Room
- Bring in Main Supply Cart: place in front of half wall (near collection dummy)
- Set-up 3 Ultrasounds on their respective carts
- Blued towel covering top of cart
- 1 U/S per cart w/ probe coiled up nicely
- U/S Carts:
- place behind the Jump Dummy
- Move after horses are in stocks (keeps them safe)
- Hook up Extra Grey Hose in Rm 162 (storage) to Sink & put just inside the Jump Room
- Prepare Grey Butt Wash Buckets: (while Students Start Palpating)
- place small garbage bag in each bucket
- Fill 1/4-1/3 of way with pieces of roll cotton
- Fill Grey Buckets (with bag & cotton) with Hot water
- Place buckets near the Therio double doors – H2O will cool and be warm at end of lab
- ***NOTE: if this is AI Pipette or Vaginoscopy lab:
- Need 6 buckets – one per horse
- Complete BEFORE Lab – will need them at beginning of lab
15min before Lab
Bring in Horses
- Max will help with this if he is on campus
- Bringing in Horses:
- Will take longer with one Person – Start earlier
- Can bring in 2 horses at a time if you are comfortable
- Horses must be from same paddock & willing
- Handler must be comfortable navigating doors with 2 horses
- DoNOT leave horses in stocks UNATTENDED or with only students in room
- Every horse can have bad days NO ASSUMPTIONS that they will be fine
- DO NOT Assume students will know what to do in a crisis
- DVM & Technician work together to navigate based on experience & knowledge of resources
- DVM makes decisions about animal care and is ultimately in charge
- Get students and others safe & give them a task
- Make a plan & don’t assume students know hospital or where to find help
- Seek out students that were student techs or know hospital
- Send Max to get help if needed
Start of Lab
- DVM will do an intro for the students depending on what lab it is (in-depth or brief)
- Pass out Drugs – oxytocin & sedation
- Students MUST be observed (Tech or DVM) for ALL injections
- Remind them what size needle for IM – 1.5″ (due to being new at this I usually have them use a 1″ for IV injection)
- Remind them to Double CHECK the drug, drug amount, route BEFORE poke the animal
- ONLY poke with needle off of Syringe – visualize
- NOT Arterial Blood
- Blood flow slows down when stop holding off vein
- Record Keeping – Post Injections
- Use UNOFFICIAL sheets in Blue Binder
- Record 5 rights:
- Drug
- Amount in Mg
- Route
- Location (R or L Jug – R or L Neck)
- Time
- Recording Notes:
- Rectal Palpation: note on record – amount not needed
- Transrectal Ultrasound: note on record – amount not needed
- Vaginoscopy: note on record & how many times
- AI Pipette: note on record & how many times
- Uterine Culture: note on record, why was done, how many times
- Student Start Palpating/Ultrasounding
- Some may need help with tying tail up
- Some may need help with assessing horses behavior (i.e. recommend more lube)
- refer to DVM if have procedural questions
During Lab
Tech Responsibilities
- Assess horse sedation levels & communicate with DVM (there call to re-sedate)
- Lifeguard for Safety:
- Observe horse behavior
- Observe student behavior
- Step in to keep both safe
End of First Lab Section Procedures
- Students are responsible for cleaning up horses prior to stocks departure
- Students make sure any blood from injections is cleaned
- Dump Manure Buckets in Spreader
- U/S: cleaned w/ damp towel & placed on their cart behind the jump dummy
- Move any obstacles away from stocks before unloading animals
- Remind Students: NO HORSES UNLOAD FROM STOCKS UNTIL DVM instructs to
Removing Horses from Stocks
*Students help with this
- Unload Horses 1 at a time (prevent costly collisions/Injuries)
- Make sure Cross Ties are unclipped & Lead Rope untied, attached to horse & in control PRIOR to removing butt bar
- Open Butt Bar without standing directly behind it
- Do not stand behind a backing horse
- If a horse rushes out doNOT try to stop them, guide them
- Once out horses will move into hallway
- Make sure a horse is visible to those still in the stocks as horses are unloaded so they don’t feel left behind
- Typically Max will lead the group with a horse or two and Melissa will take up Rear without a horse
Starting the Second Lab Section
- Early Students along with Max & Melissa will get Second batch of horses
- Load horses 1 at a time
- 1 horse in Therio lab at a time is usually best for students
- Make sure that load horses in a way that if they back out suddenly they won’t run another horse/human over
End of Second Lab Section (End of Day) Procedures
- Clean-up Meeting in first lab
- Students Clean up horses & ultra sounds
- Move all carts to Therio Lab Room
- Students unload horses
- 1/2 Take horses out
- 1/2 Stay and clean up room
- Stocks on Rubber: crank up above the wheels (so they can swivel)
- Stocks NOT on Rubber (near window): crank up just high enough to spray under
- Spray off stocks on rubber first
- If needed move stocks on rubber outside (if have stallion collection)
- Spray floor, other stocks, poop bins & buckets.
- Clean drains & put any buckets/bins upside down to dry near wall
- Dirty Towels in laundry basket just outside of Jump Room – Melissa washes
- Wrap up Therio room hose neatly on Floor
- Detach & Hang up small grey hose on wall in Jump room by big double doors
After Students Leave
- Hydrofoam the Jump Room Rubber Floor & don’t rinse (protocol dictated when floor was replaced years ago)
- Put carts away neatly in corner of Therio Lab
- Restock Carts for next lab
- Plug in ultrasounds on the counter in Therio Lab
- Every other week as needed spray down empty Therio Colletion Room
- Deep clean spray back
- Hydrofoam Soak
Record Keeping
- Take a picture of daily records in Blue Binder on Supply Cart
- Use info to record in Equine record books (see section below for materials on how to do that)
Closing/Securing Dudley Barn (Leaving for Day)
- Paddocks:
- Check all Horses (quick visual – awake, mobile, not injured/colicky from gate)
- Paddock Gates Closed & locked with chain
- Paddock Electric Line Hooked (spiral gate line – only touch yellow handle)
- Barn:
- Inner & Outer Garage Doors Shut
- Inner People Door Shut
- Outer People Door pulled shut tight so it locks
- Shut and Latch the outer perimeter fence (chain link) gate
Lab Materials
Supply Documents:
- Therio/Repro Labs – Supplies – Find “3yr Palpation lab” Tab
Set-up Documents:
- Lab Sub Plans PDF
Lab Documents:
- Procedure Documents:
- IM Injections
- IV Injections
- Dr. Kuhle “Procedural Guidelines” for Students
- Melissa’s Cliff Notes (Printable PDF of Pre/During/Post Box above)
- Teaching Horse Documents:
- Teaching Horse Composites (ID of proper horse)
- Teaching Horse Sedation in Labs Records
- Recording in Teaching Horse Records
- BLANK Medical Record Sheet – for individual binders
Clean-up Documents:
- Animal Procedures
- Supply Clean-up/Cleaning
Tip & Tricks
Horse Record Recording
- Record Use on the Monthly Record Sheet
- Front of Binder Tells you Categories
- Inside has monthly sheets
- Record Individual Horse Binder
- Daily record (see photo below)
- Detailed with sedation/procedures/locations etc
- Note: In lab blue binder is not official
- useful for in lab use & transfer of info in Official Binders in the barn
- Official Record Binders NOT taken out of the barn
- Please make sure Un-Official sheets are placed back in blue Binder
- Info is tracked
- Info is transferred to google sheets document
Theriogenology Repro Lab
Theriogenology Collection Room Set-up
Therio Supply Cart w/ Binder & Drugs
End of Day Clean-up
Recording in Teaching Horse books (Dudley Barn)
Location of Books in Dudley Barn
Official Documents (Protocol): How Records Should Look
Monthly Document
Individual Horse Daily Record Sheet