3 CSI: Equine TPR & Restraint Y1
Lab Summary
Lab Summary:
- Lab Name: Equine TPR/Restraint Lab
- Course: 6901
- Cohort Year: 1
Course Information:
- Course Coordinator: Dr. Kerry Kuhle & Dr. Sue Spence
- Course Instructor: Dr. Kerry Kuhle
- Technician: Melissa Prokop
- Additional Instructors: LA Resident or Intern
Lab Location:
- Building: Dudley Barn
- Location & Storage: Barn Horse Paddocks
- Support Staff & Contacts: Max Meyers (Dudley Barn Manager)
Pre-lab Prep Work/Lab Instruction
1-2 weeks before Lab
- Make Sign-in Sheets
- Check all Supply List
1 hour before Lab
- White Folding Table
- find it next to desk where horse log books are kept
- Set-up near the Shavings Pallet in barn
- Sign-in Clipboard
- Storage Location: Dark Grey Cabinet (by the people door)
- Lab Set-up: place on white folding table
- Changes:
- Switched: Student crosses off person they switched with and write their name/initial on sheet
- Wrong Lab: just add name to bottom and join group
- Note: if you get too many of wrong day students it is up to Dr. Kuhle, usually:
- 1-2 students usually get to stay
- >2 usually have to come back at scheduled time
Pull Instruction Sheets: Dark Grey Cabinet (by the people door)
Place Demo Supplies near Tack Room (nose chain, rope twitch, xtra lead rope)
Place Demo Horse in Stall by Tack Room
Hand Sanitizer: place on sign-in table
Ask Max which Horses/Paddock he wants to use – he knows them best & how they are that day
Start of Lab
- Students sign in upon arrival
- Melissa Scans sheet later in week, uploads to drive, emails link to Dr. Kuhle
Introductions of Staff: Dr. Kuhle will do a brief intro with everyone’s names
Routine for Lab
Dr. Kuhle Demo Equine Restraint
- Methods of Restraint
- Lead Rope
- Nose Chain
- Neck Twitch
- Rope Twitch
- Ear Twitch –
- mentioned as controversial & can damage ear
- Dr. Kuhle does not like it
- Melissa is honest that occasionally hospital uses it as a last resort – clinical dependent
- Split Students in Groups
- Groups = Instructors (Usually 3)
- Instructors: Dr. Kuhle, Melissa, LA Resident/Intern
Instruction during Lab
Students Split up into 3 Groups
- Students Split themselves up evenly
- Stand with Instructor OUTSIDE a stall
Part 1: TPR Exam
- Start Outside Stall
- Demo Sheets on Stall (Same as on Canvas)
- Information Gathered Outside Stall
- Horse’s Temperament
- Ease of handling
- If they need a few minutes to settle in (some are excitable off trailer)
- Brief talk with owner about horse (5min)
- How is horse today?
- What is there job?
- Any handling preferences?
- Urine: may see urinate or see wet spots
- Feces: see consistency, color, amount
- Check Respiration:
- Discuss counting on 15sec
- To Add (double/double or multiply by 4)
- Discuss normal/abnormal
- Discuss what “Call Backs” are on Tx Sheet
- bottom of LA Tx Sheet have call back parameters
- when TPR is outside of that you call the clinician
- Call back parameters are not always normal parameters
- Call backs are set for what is normal for the patient
- heaves horse may have higher normal respiratory rate
- Cushing horse with a full winter coat in summer may have higher temperature
- Horse’s Temperament
- Halter horse
- Have Student Volunteer halter horse
- Move to side opposite the stall door
- Bring entire group into stall and shut door
- TPR Exam
Tip & Tricks
Type your examples here.
- First
- Second
Learning Objectives
Type your learning objectives here.
- First
- Second