
User Policies and Guidelines

13 Accounts

Anyone with a @umn.edu address can create a Pressbooks account. You can also choose to grant access to your book to another user with an active University affiliation. In order to add another U of M user to your book, that user must have already logged into the pressbooks.umn.edu system. Once they have logged in, their Internet ID is a part of the system and can be added to any book.

Only users with @umn.edu email addresses are able to create accounts and automatically access the system. If you are working on a project with a coauthor at a different institution, you could give authorship credit to your collaborator while only you are able to access the project in the system.
If you need to give a non-U of MN collaborator access to the system,

  1. Create a sponsored account for the external author
  2. Have the external author login to Pressbooks using that sponsored account (this will create an account for them in the system)
  3. Connect the external author’s account (now in Pressbooks) to your book

Your account will be active for as long as you remain affiliated with the University. If you leave Minnesota, you can export and download your book files to transfer to a different platform (read more about moving files).


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Pressbooks Guidelines for the University of Minnesota Copyright © 2019 by University of Minnesota Libraries is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.