1 March 2024 Institute
Day 1: March 5
Topic |
Session Lead |
11:00 | Welcome and introductions
Q&A on intro video Share survey to gather questions for day three recap |
Megan |
11:30 | Exploring different review methodologies | Sarah |
12:00 | Break | |
12:15 | Reproducibility, transparent methods, and pre-registration | Amy |
12:45 | Evidence synthesis steps and librarians as co-investigators | Molly |
1:00 | Lunch Break | |
2:00 | Systematic review guidelines/checklists/reporting standards | Amy |
2:30 | Introduction to protocols and protocol registration | Zahra |
3:00 | Break
Please fill out this quick survey in preparation for tomorrow: |
3:15 | Debrief with your discipline cohort
Introductions What experience do you already have w/ systematic reviews? Have you ever registered a protocol? Have you ever worked on a PRISMA flow diagram or completed a PRISMA checklist? Do you find that your users are confused about the various review types? Disciplinary-wise, what protocol templates would be most useful for your scholars? What reporting guidelines are used in your discipline? What protocol registries exist? |
Day 2: March 6
Topic |
Session Lead |
11:00 | Formulating a research question | Nasra & Alison |
11:30 | Frameworks (e.g., PICO) and eligibility criteria | Tandi |
12:00 | Break | |
12:15 | The reference interview: how to have a conversation with a review team | Panel:
Zahra , Jim, Amy Moderator: Megan |
1:00 | Lunch break | |
2:00 | Selecting databases for evidence synthesis | Sarah |
2:15 | Search strategies part 1:
Group assignments: https://bit.ly/44SNLug
Scott, Matt and Sarah |
3:30 | Debrief with discipline cohorts
What frameworks have you used? If a researcher comes to you and says, I want to do a review on _____vague discipline-relevant topic____, what would you ask in the reference interview? How have these conversations gone for you previously? Have you had to redirect patrons to a different type of review? |
Day 3: March 7
Topic |
Session Lead |
11:00 | Search Strategies Part 2 | Scott, Matt and Sarah |
1:00 | Lunch Break | |
2:00 | Grey Literature | Amy |
2:45 | Break | |
3:00 | Writing the methods section and PRISMA Flow Diagrams | Zahra |
3:30 | Beyond the search | Sarah |
3:45 | Debrief with discipline cohorts
What databases do you use most frequently in your discipline? How comfortable are you with using the advanced search features of the various platforms? What are the major sources of grey lit in your field? How do you discover or access those items? Facilitator demonstrates a past/current review topic and how they approached the search strategy How do you plan to stay informed about evidence synthesis literature searching in your discipline/s? |
Day 4: March 8
Topic |
Session Lead |
11:00 |
Breakout Session 1 (choose 1):Room 1: Database access in resource-limited settings (Gracian ) Room 2: Evidence Synthesis in Library Science (Amy ) Room 4: Supporting and mentoring teams through screening, project management (Zahra ) |
11:45 | Break | |
12:00 |
Breakout Session 2 (choose 1):Room 2: Starting a service (Megan) Room 2: Adapting systematic-review methods for graduate students or researchers working solo (Matt) Room 4: Supporting and mentoring teams through screening, project management (Zahra ) |
12:45 | Lunch break | |
2:00 |
Breakout Session 3 (choose 1):Room 1: Adapting systematic-review methods for graduate students or researchers working solo (Matt) Room 2: Starting a service (Megan) Room 4: Search filters and hedges: Finding and using validated search strings (Zahra ) |
2:45 | Break | |
3:00 | Q&A & Wrap Up |