August 2022 Institute
Day 1: August 2
Time(EDT) |
Topic |
Session Lead |
11:00 AM | Welcome, introductions and Q&A | Megan |
11:30 AM | Exploring different review methodologies | Sarah |
12:00 PM | Break | |
12:15 PM | Reproducibility, transparent methods, and pre-registration | Amy |
12:45 PM | Evidence synthesis steps and librarians as co-investigators | Molly |
1:00 PM | Lunch Break | |
2:00 PM | Systematic review guidelines/checklists/reporting standards | Amy |
2:30 PM | Introduction to protocols and protocol registration | Jim |
3:00 PM | Break
Please fill out this quick survey in preparation for tomorrow: |
3:15 | Debrief with your discipline cohort
Day 2: August 3
Topic |
Session Lead |
11:00 AM | Formulating a research question | Nasra & Alison |
11:30 AM | Frameworks (e.g., PICO) and eligibility criteria | Tandi |
12:00 PM | Break | |
12:15 PM | The reference interview: how to have a conversation with a review team | Panel:
Zahra, Jim, Amy Moderator: Megan |
1:00 PM | Lunch break | |
2:00 PM | Selecting databases for evidence synthesis | Sarah |
2:15 PM | Search strategies part 1: Group assignments:
Scott, Sarah, Matt |
3:30 PM | Debrief with discipline cohorts
Day 3: August 4
Topic |
Session Lead |
11:00 AM | Search strategies part 2 | Scott, Sarah, Matt |
1:00 PM | Lunch break | |
2:00 PM | Grey literature | Erin |
2:45 PM | Break | |
3:00 PM | Writing the methods section and PRISMA Flow Diagrams | Zahra |
3:30 PM | Debrief with discipline cohorts
Day 4: August 5
Topic |
Session Lead |
11:00 | Breakout Session 1 (choose 1):
Room 1: Database access in resource-limited settings (Gracian) Room 2: Creating a Search Hedge (Hannah) Room 3: Living Systematic Reviews (Amy) Room 4: Automation (i.e., using automation and machine learning methods in evidence synthesis) (Sarah) Room 5: Supporting and mentoring teams through screening, project management (Zahra) |
11:45 | Break | |
12:00 | Breakout Session 2 (choose 1):
Room 1: Database access in resource-limited settings (Gracian) Room 2: Starting a service (Megan) Room 3: Evidence Synthesis in Library Science (Amy) Room 4: Performing an evidence synthesis search strategy and exporting a citation file live demo – Web of Science (Jim) Room 5: Supporting and mentoring teams through screening, project management (Zahra) |
12:45 | Lunch break | |
2:00 | Breakout Session 3 (choose 1):
Room 1: Performing an evidence synthesis search strategy and exporting a citation file live demo – Ovid PsycINFO (Scott) Room 2: Adapting systematic-review methods for graduate students or researchers working solo (Matt) Room 3: Starting a service (Megan) Room 4: Automation (i.e., using automation and machine learning methods in evidence synthesis) (Sarah) Room 5: Search filters and hedges: Finding and using validated search strings (Zahra) |
2:45 | Break | |
3:00 | Q&A & Wrap Up |