

Medical School Source for Materials Summary and Communication Templates

Timelines and sources for table materials

The following templates and scenario are for a renewal T32 with pre- and post-docs:

6-12 weeks before T32 deadline

Ask GPCs and Departments for (https://apps.grad.umn.edu/lists/PLC/):

  • Table 1 (pre-fill depts. and grad programs ahead of time)
  • Table 6A
  • Table 6B

Ask PI and research team for:

  • Table 7 (GPC or grant coordinator may be able to complete this table with access to xTRAIN)
  • Table 8A
  • Table 8C

6-8 weeks before T32 deadline

Ask participating Mentors for:

  • Table 2
  • Table 3 (send complete list of T32s to participating mentors and ask them to self-identify which training grants they’re involved with)
  • Table 5A
  • Table 5B

8 weeks before T32 deadline

Ask participating Mentors for:

  • Table 4
  • Biosketch (ensure their personal statement includes reference to the area of the T32)


Communication Templates

First time point template email to participating pre-doc programs

Subject line: T32 mentor table data needed – deadline 9am on xx/xx/xxxx <choose a Monday or Tuesday so you have time to f/u with them and get same week>

Dear _________,

Prep for the _________ T32 renewal is well underway and we are now ready to start compiling participating program data in the training grant tables. This grant supports pre and postdoc fellows but we’re reaching out today to request predoctoral data from you. Please complete or confirm all cells highlighted in yellow by your program in tables 1 (part I only) and 6A (please note there are 2 sections to be completed on this table). Please find tables with their associated NIH instructions attached as well as the completed section for our department to use as a template. If you have questions about how to complete the data, please feel free to reach out to me anytime. Otherwise we will look for final materials back from you by xx/xx/xxxx.

Thanks so much,


First time point template email to participating post-doc departments

Subject line: T32 mentor table data needed – deadline 9am on xx/xx/xxxx <choose a Monday or Tuesday so you have time to f/u with them and get same week>

Dear _________,

Prep for the _________ T32 renewal is well underway and we are now ready to start compiling participating program and departmental data in the training grant tables. This grant supports pre and postdoc fellows but we’re reaching out today to request postdoctoral data from you. Please complete or confirm all cells highlighted in yellow by your department in tables 1 (part II only) and 6B (please note there are 2 sections to be completed on this table). Please find tables with their associated NIH instructions attached as well as the completed section for our department to use as a template. If you have questions about how to complete the data, please feel free to reach out to me anytime. Otherwise we will look for final materials back from you by xx/xx/xxxx.

Thanks so much,


First time point template email to participating mentors

Subject line: T32 mentor table data needed – deadline 9am on xx/xx/xxxx <choose a Monday or Tuesday so you have time to f/u with them and get same week>

Dear T32 mentors,

Prep for the _________ T32 renewal is well underway. We are now ready to start compiling mentor data in the training grant tables. Please find tables with their associated NIH instructions attached. Would you please complete all cells highlighted in yellow by your name in tables 2, 3, 5A and 5B? If you have questions about how to complete the data please feel free to reach out to me anytime. Otherwise we will look for final materials back from you by xx/xx/xxxx.

We will reach out closer to the deadline (end of <enter month before deadline>) to request your other support in table 4 and your biosketch, so please stay tuned for that request.

Thanks so much,


Second time point template email to participating mentors

Subject line: T32 mentor table data needed (OS and bio) – deadline 9am on xx/xx/xxxx <choose a Monday or Tuesday so you have time to f/u with them and get same week>

Dear T32 mentors,

We are putting finishing touches on the _________________ T32 renewal application. At this time, we are ready to integrate your other support and biosketch into the grant materials. Please complete and return your updated other support Table 4 (attached) and your NIH biosketch no later than xx/xx/xxxx

Thanks so much,



Medical School Guidance for Completing NIH T32 Training Grant Tables Copyright © 2022 by MS Pre-Award; Jessica Chiovitte; and Jordan Webb. All Rights Reserved.