Table 5. Publications of Those in Training
Table 5A. Publications of Those in Training: Predoctoral
This information provides an indicator of the ability of each faculty member to foster trainee productivity through generation of publishable results and allows assessment of the research quality and authorship priority of trainees.
For each trainee, list the following:
- Faculty Member. Sort students by faculty member. List each faculty member in the format Last Name, First Name and Middle Initial.
- Trainee Name. List each student in the format Last Name, First Name and Middle Initial.
- New applications. For each participating faculty member in a new application, list all publications of representative, previous predoctorates from the last 10 years and all current predoctorates. Only include individuals who would have been eligible for appointment to this training program. Exclude individuals undertaking short-term (12 week or less) training experiences with a faculty member.
- Renewal/revision applications. For each participating faculty member in a renewal/revision application, list the publications of trainees appointed to the training grant, including all current trainees and those appointed to the grant for up to the past 10 years, with the exception of those appointed to short-term training positions.
- Past or Current Trainee. For each faculty member, list past students first and then current students. Indicate whether each student is past or current. Sort each group by their year of entry into the graduate program.
- Training Period. For past students, indicate the year that each student enrolled in the degree-granting program and the year they completed or left the degree-granting program, in the format YYYY-YYYY. For current students, report the year of enrollment and indicate that training is underway by using the format YYYY-Present.
- Publication (Authors, Year, Title, Journal, Volume, Inclusive Pages). List peer-reviewed publications and manuscripts accepted for publication in peer-reviewed journals in chronological order. List all publications of students resulting from their period of training in the participating faculty member’s laboratory or in association with the current training program, through completion of their degree. Do not list publications resulting from work done prior to entering the training program or arising from research initiated after the completion of the program. Boldface the student’s name in the author list.
- For students without a publication, indicate “No Publications.” Provide one of the following explanatory phrases: new entrant, leave of absence, change of research supervisor, left program, other.
Summarize these data in the body of the application, including, for example, the average number of publications, how many students published as first author, and how many students completed doctoral training without any first-author publication resulting from their graduate research.
Table 5A: Medical School Guidance
Pre-fill previous grant trainees and mentors with any publications reported on recent RPPRs and leave several blank lines below each trainee for mentors to add publications. Send table to participating mentors and their support staff (see PRF approval chain google sheet) to complete and return. Oftentimes a T32 coordinator or GME person will complete on behalf of the mentor.
Sample Table 5A
Publications of Those in Training: Predoctoral
Faculty Member | Trainee Name | Past or Current Trainee | Training Period | Publication (Authors, Year, Title, Journal, Volume, Inclusive Pages) |
Berg, Lawrence P. | Thompson, Patricia P. | Past | 1998-2004 | Miter, M.H., Owens, R., Thompson, P., and Berg, L., 2004, Insulin Treatment of Diabetic Rats, J Comp Neurol, 373:350-378. |
Chu, Jeremy K. | Greenstein, Michael L. | Past | 2008-2014 | Greenstein, M., and Chu, J., 2010, Sympathetic Noradrenergic Innervation of Drosophila, Genetics185: 1100-1190. |
Chu, Jeremy K. | Brown, Bernice B. | Current | 2010-Present | Brown, B. and Chu, J., 2012, Repeated Sequences in Drosophila, J Mol Biol, 242:503-510. |
Layback, Sally G. | Wand, Dennis R. | Past | 2000-2001 | No Publications: Left program |
Peters, Mark Q. | Samuels, Janine A. | Current | 2010-Present | Samuels, J. and Peters M., 2012, Molecular Analysis of RNA Viruses, Molec Biol Cell, 11:12-18. |
Table 5B. Publications of Those in Training: Postdoctoral
This information provides an indicator of the ability of each faculty member to foster trainee productivity through generation of publishable results and allows assessment of the research quality and authorship priority of trainees.
For each trainee, list the following:
- Faculty Member. Sort postdoctorates by faculty member. List each faculty member in the format Last Name, First Name and Middle Initial.
- Trainee Name. List each trainee in the format Last Name, First Name and Middle Initial.
- New applications. For each participating faculty member in a new application, list all publications of representative, previous postdoctorates from the last 10 years and all current postdoctorates. Only include individuals who would have been eligible for appointment to this training program.
- Renewal/revision applications. For each participating faculty member in a renewal/revision application, list the publications of trainees appointed to the training grant, including all current trainees and those appointed to the grant for up to the past 10 years, with the exception of those appointed to short-term training positions.
- Past or Current Trainee. Sort postdoctorates by faculty member. For each faculty member, group past postdoctorates separately from current postdoctorates. Sort each group by their year of entry into postdoctoral training with the faculty member or in association with the program.
- Training Period. Indicate the year that postdoctorates entered into training with the current faculty member or in association with the program and the year they completed or left the training program, in the format YYYY-YYYY. For current postdoctorates, report the year they started the program or began working with the current faculty member and indicate that training is still underway by using the format YYYY-Present.
- Publication (Authors, Year, Title, Journal, Volume, Inclusive Pages). List peer-reviewed publications and manuscripts accepted for publication in peer-reviewed journals in chronological order. List all publications of postdoctorates resulting from their period of training in the faculty member’s laboratory or in association with the current training program. Do not list publications resulting from work done prior to joining the training program or arising from research initiated after the completion of the program. Boldface the postdoctorate’s name in the author list.
- For postdoctorates without a publication, indicate “No Publications.” Provide one of the following explanatory phrases: new entrant, leave of absence, change of research supervisor, left program, other.
Summarize these data in the Program Plan section of the Research Training Program Plan including, for example, the average number of papers published by postdoctorates, the number as first author, and the number of postdoctorates who completed training without any peer-reviewed publications.
Table 5B: Medical School Guidance
Pre-fill previous grant trainees and mentors with any publications reported on recent RPPRs and leave several blank lines below each trainee for mentors to add publications. Send table to participating mentors and their support staff (see PRF approval chain google sheet) to complete and return. Oftentimes a T32 coordinator or GME person will complete on behalf of the mentor.
Sample Table 5B
Publications of Those in Training: Postdoctoral
Faculty Member | Trainee Name | Past or Current Trainee | Training Period | Publication (Authors, Year, Title, Journal, Volume, Inclusive Pages) |
Berg, Lawrence P. | Thomas, Patrick D. | Past | 2003-2006 | Miter, M.H., Owens, R., Thomas, P., and Berg, L., 2006, Insulin Deficiency in Diabetic Rats, J. Nutrition, 373:350-378. |
Chew, Jason B. | Greenstuff, Marisa P. | Current | 2012-Present | Greenstuff, M., and Chew, J., 2014, Non-digestible fibre influences bioavailability of vitamins, J. Pharm Sci. (In press). |
Easygai, Franchesca | Taylor, Doris W. | Past | 2010-2013 | No Publications: Change of Research Supervisor |
Newpeeye, Pamela W. | Fall, Winfred | Past | 2012-2014 | No Publications: Leave of Absence |