
Table 7. Appointments to the Training Grant for Each Year of the Current Project Period (Renewal/Revision Applications only)

Table 7. Appointments to the Training Grant for Each Year of the Current Project Period (Renewal/Revision Applications only)


For renewal or revision applications, these data permit evaluation of the use of awarded training positions. Note that for xTRACT users, counts for “Awarded” trainees will be auto-filled, as will trainees appointed in the first three budget years. xTRACT users should insert counts of trainees appointed in Budget Year 04, as well as counts of trainees in the remaining categories.


  1. Provide the following counts for each complete budget year (i.e., Budget Year 01, Budget Year 02, Budget Year 03, Budget Year 04, and Sum of Budget Years) since the last competing grant application. Exclude any section (i.e., predoctoral, postdoctoral, or short-term) that does not apply.
  2. Predoctoral Positions Awarded. Enter, in bold, the number of predoctoral training positions awarded (i.e., slots).
  3. Predoctorates Appointed. Enter, in bold, the number of individual predoctorates appointed.
  4. Predoctorates: Dual Degree. Enter, in plain text, the number of individual predoctorates appointed who are in a dual-degree program.
  5. Predoctorates: Underrepresented Groups. Enter, in plain text, the number of predoctorates appointed who are from groups that are underrepresented in the biomedical, clinical, behavioral or social sciences, such as individuals from underrepresented racial or ethnic groups, individuals with disabilities, or individuals from disadvantaged backgrounds as defined in NIH’s Notice of Interest in Diversity. (If the training program does not collect information on all the groups identified in NIH’s Notice of Interest in Diversity, enter data on the groups for which information is available.)
  6. Postdoctoral Positions Awarded. Enter, in bold, the number of postdoctoral training positions awarded (i.e., slots).
  7. Postdoctorates Appointed. Enter, in bold the number of individual postdoctorates appointed.
  8. Postdoctorates: M.D. or Equivalent. Enter, in plain text, the number of individual postdoctorates appointed with an M.D. or equivalent degree.
  9. Postdoctorates: Ph.D. or Equivalent. Enter, in plain text, the number of individual postdoctorates appointed with a Ph.D. or equivalent degree.
  10. Postdoctorates: D.D.S., D.V.M., Other. Enter, in plain text, the number of individual postdoctorates appointed with a D.D.S., D.V.M., or other terminal doctoral degree.
  11. Postdoctorates: Dual Degree. Enter, in plain text, the number of individual postdoctorates appointed with a dual degree.
  12. Postdoctorates: Underrepresented Groups. Enter, in plain text, the number of postdoctorates appointed who are from groups that are underrepresented in the biomedical, clinical, behavioral or social sciences, such as individuals from underrepresented racial or ethnic groups, individuals with disabilities, or individuals from disadvantaged backgrounds as defined in NIH’s Notice of Interest in Diversity. (If the training program does not collect information on all the groups identified in NIH’s Notice of Interest in Diversity, enter data on the groups for which information is available.)
  13. Short-Term Positions Awarded. Enter, in bold, the number of short-term training positions awarded (i.e., slots).
  14. Short-Term Appointed. Enter, in bold, the number of individuals appointed.
  15. Short-Term: Underrepresented Groups. Enter, in plain text, the number of individuals appointed who are from groups that are underrepresented in the biomedical, clinical, behavioral or social sciences, such as individuals from underrepresented racial or ethnic groups, individuals with disabilities, or individuals from disadvantaged backgrounds as defined in NIH’s Notice of Interest in Diversity. (If the training program does not collect information on all the groups identified in NIH’s Notice of Interest in Diversity, enter data on the groups for which information is available.)

Summarize these data in the Progress Report Section of the Research Training Program Plan; if any trainee positions were not filled, if any trainees terminated early, or if the distribution of appointed positions differs from the distribution of awarded positions, provide an explanation. It may also be useful to refer to these data within the Recruitment Plan to Enhance Diversity Section of the Research Training Program Plan.

Sample Table 7

Appointments to the Training Grant for Each Year of the Current Project Period

Training Positions Budget Year 01 Budget Year 02 Budget Year 03 Budget Year 04 Sum of Budget Years
Predoctoral Awarded 8 8 8 8 32
Predoctoral Appointed 8 8 8 8 32
Predoc: Dual-Degree 0 0 1 1 2
Predoc: Underrepresented Groups 0 5 2 2 9
Postdoctoral Awarded 4 4 4 4 16
Postdoctoral Appointed 4 4 4 4 16
Postdoc: M.D. or Equivalent 0 1 0 1 2
Postdoc: Ph.D. or Equivalent 3 1 3 3 10
Postdoc: D.D.S., D.V.M., Other 1 1 0 0 2
Postdoc: Dual Degree 0 1 1 0 2
Postdoc: Underrepresented Groups 0 0 0 0 0
Short-Term Awarded 8 8 6 7 29
Short-Term Appointed 7 6 6 7 26
Short-Term: Underrepresented Groups 2 2 1 2 7


Medical School Guidance for Completing NIH T32 Training Grant Tables Copyright © 2022 by MS Pre-Award; Jessica Chiovitte; and Jordan Webb. All Rights Reserved.