


The University of Minnesota (UMN) Medical School (MS) user guide “Medical School Guidance for Completing NIH T32 Training Grant Tables” is intended for use by PIs, Grants and Contracts Professionals and Administrators in the MS that prepare T32 Tables. The T32 scenario outlined herein is for a renewal application that includes pre- and post-doctoral trainees.

Guidance on layout

Please navigate through the guide using the “Contents” drop down on the left pane; click on the (+) for subsections. Each section (Tables 1-8) includes NIH-specific instructions and MS-specific guidance (when applicable) for table completion, followed by sample tables and data. Useful key information is highlighted throughout the instructions and MS-specific guidance is easily identifiable in red font.  As you complete the tables, please consider each table, row, column it’s own data set.


The MS Pre-Award and Proposal Development Services unit recommends starting with Table 3: Federal Institutional Research Training Grants and Related Support Available to Participating Faculty Members. Our office manages a copy of Table 3, so please reach out to us at MSPreAward@umn.edu for a copy of the most recent version. Please note that table data is constantly changing and reflects a snapshot in time. 


Please see the appendices for MS-specific source for materials and communications templates. These tools can be used to create a timeline for data collection and communicate with other departments when requesting table-specific information.


NIH. (16 Sep 2022). NIH Data Tables (Forms G). Retrieved from: https://grants.nih.gov/grants/forms-g/data-tables.htm [22 Dec. 2022].

If you have feedback, questions or need assistance with NIH T32 Training Grants, please contact: MSPreAward@umn.edu


Medical School Guidance for Completing NIH T32 Training Grant Tables Copyright © 2022 by MS Pre-Award; Jessica Chiovitte; and Jordan Webb. All Rights Reserved.