
Part 1: Skinning Your Cadaver

Abby Brown

  1. Begin by identifying these superficial structures on the ventral surface of the trunk: umbilicus (flat or slightly raised scar on the midventral line), 2 pair thoracic mammae (cranial & caudal), 1-2 pair abdominal mammae (dog: 2 pair – cranial & caudal; cat: 1 pair abdominal mammae), and 1 pair inguinal mammae.  (Note that each mamma has a papilla (aka nipple) that denotes the location of said mammae when viewed externally.)
  2. Incise the skin on the LEFT side of the cadaver as directed in the textbook (pg.17) and reflect it dorsally (toward the dorsal midline of the back). (See DG Fig. 2-11 for incisions.) Make the same incisions on the RIGHT side of the cadaver and reflect the skin in a similar manner.

    • Cutaneous muscles (such as cutaneous trunci) should be reflected with the skin.

    • Leave vessels and nerves on the cadaver whenever possible.

    • The skin can either be left attached along the dorsal midline, or removed and kept for wrapping the animal at the end of each lab session.

  3. Incise the skin along the caudal aspect of ONE antebrachium (L or R) and remove the skin from the chosen forelimb all the way down to the metacarpophalangeal joints (where the digits begin). You do not need to skin the individual digits.

    • Dissection Note: When deciding which limb to skin all the way down to the manus, choose the ‘better’ limb of the two – the one that appears to have better injection in the veins (or has more visible veins).

    • Try to preserve the superficial veins on your specimen as you skin the antebrachium and manus (i.e., try to leave them on the limb instead of taking them off with the skin).

  4. Observe the subcutaneous region/tissue and abundant fascia on the specimen as you remove the skin/after the skin has been removed (note that there are different types of fascia, including superficial fascia and deep fascia).

  5. Observe examples of cutaneous muscle which will be adhered to the deep face of the skin that was removed from the trunk of the specimen. The most easily identifiable of these is the cutaneous trunci m.

    • Comment: On one of the demonstration animals, note the cutaneous trunci m. has been separated from the skin, for you to observe.

    • If the cutaneous trunci m. (cutaneous muscle) remains on the body of the cadaver, incise its attachments (ventrally and just caudal to the forelimb) and reflect it to the dorsal midline.

** For the remainder of this CHAPTER, dissect only the limb that you have skinned all the way down to the manus. (There is not sufficient time to dissect both limbs.)**

Dissection Videos for this Section of Material

Skinning the Thoracic Limb: