
The List of Minnesota Landscape Arboretum Hedges

Hydrangea flowers on a hedge at the MLA.
Hedge plants can vary in appearance from one season to the next. In July flowers are found on Hydrangea arborescens ‘Annabelle’.

Minnesota Landscape Arboretum Hedge Collection Inventory
August 2021

Accession Number*

Year Planted**

Botanical Name

Common Name



20060784 2007 Amelanchier canadensis ‘Glennform’ Rainbow Pillar® Rainbow Pillar®
4 ft x 3 ft Early spring white flowers
19790117 Amelanchier spicata spicate serviceberry 3 ft x 30 in Early spring white flowers, red and green foliage
19670591 Aronia melanocarpa black chokeberry 3 1/2 ft x 3 ft Hardy native with fruit for wildlife
19650038 Berberis koreana Korean barberry 4 1/2 ft x 4 ft Red and green spring foliage
20160305 2016 Berberis thunbergii ‘BailErin’ Limoncello™ Limoncello barberry 2 ft x 2 ft Very showy red yellow foliage
20040359 2004 Berberis thunbergii ‘Bailgreen’ Jade Carousel® Jade Carousel barberry 2 ft x 3 ft Showy red fall fruit
19601135 Buxus microphylla var. koreana Korean boxwood 1 1/2 ft x 3 ft Short; broadleafed evergreen
19640559 Buxus sempervirens MLA boxwood 1 1/2 ft x 3 ft Broadleafed evergreen; may show winter burn
20110549 2011 Buxus ‘Glencoe’ Chicagoland Green™ Chicagoland Green boxwood 10 in x 2 ft Broadleafed evergreen; may show winter burn
19540087 Caragana frutex ‘Globosa’ globe peashrub 2 1/2 ft x 3 ft
Attractive foliage, may be irregular in growth. “Always one of my favorites” Pete C. Moe, Director MLA
19620221 Chionanthus virginicus white fringe tree 3 1/2 ft x 5 ft
White flowers in May and June. A coarse plant, but still an interesting and attractive hedge with fragrant flowers and interesting fruits on females
19670592 Cornus racemosa gray dogwood 3 1/2 ft x 3 ft Tough native plant
19960330 Cornus racemosa gray dogwood 5 ft x 5 ft Tough native plant
20160306 2016 Cornus sericea ‘Bailadeline’ Firedance® Firedance red twig dogwood 2 1/2 ft x 2 ft Red stems on newest growth
20160377 2016 Cornus sericea ‘Cardinal’ Cardinal red twig dogwood 3 1/2 ft x 2 ft Red stems on newest growth
19920707 Cornus sericea ‘Flaviramea’ yellow twig dogwood 7 ft x 5 1/2 ft Yellow stems; unpruned for natural growth habit
19630338 Cornus sericea ‘Isanti’ Isanti red twig dogwood 6 1/2 ft x 5 ft Red stems; unpruned for natural growth habit
20060782 2007 Corylus americana American hazelnut 2 ft x 2 ft Hardy native plant
19680088 Cotoneaster acutifolius Peking cotoneaster 1968 accession 4 ft x 3 ft Colorful glossy foliage
19880704 Cotoneaster acutifolius Peking cotoneaster 1988 accession 5 ft x 5 ft Colorful glossy foliage
20061204 2006 Cotoneaster lucidus hedge cotoneaster 2 1/2 ft x 2 1/2 ft Colorful glossy foliage
19670502 Crataegus crus-galli cockspur hawthorn 3 ft x 2 1/2 ft Thorns make an impenetrable hedge
19911104 2002 Diervilla lonicera bush honeysuckle 2 ft x 3 ft colorful foliage; tough native plant
19660488 Dirca palustris leatherwood 5 ft x 6 ft Tough native named for leathery bark
19610454 Euonymus europaeus ‘Aldenhamensis’ European spindletree 3 1/2 ft x 2 1/2 ft Red fall color; may be invasive due to seeding
20190440 2019 Exochorda × macrantha ‘Bailmoon’ Lotus Moon™ Lotus Moon pearlbush 2 1/2 ft x 2 ft Early spring white flowers
19550277 Forsythia ‘Arnold Dwarf’ Arnold Dwarf forsythia 2 ft x 2 1/2 ft
Low growing compact form; fewer flowers than other forsythia cultivars
20040360 2004 Forsythia ‘Meadowlark’ Meadowlark forsythia 4 ft x 4 ft Hardy with very early yellow flowers
20110551 2011 Hydrangea arborescens ‘Annabelle’ Annabelle hydrangea 6 in x 1 1/2 ft (recently cutback, grows to 3 feet annually)
Deciduous; stems die back to the ground; large white flowers in summer
20160378 2016 Hypericum kalmianum ‘Ames’ Kalm StJohn’s wort 2 ft x 2 ft
Iowa State selection; showy yellow summer flowers
19890854 Ilex verticillata winterberry 2 1/2 ft x 2 1/2 ft Attractive red berries in fall
20160379 2016 Ilex verticillata ‘Bailfire’ Wildfire™ Wildfire winterberry 2 ft x 1 1/2 ft Selected for abundant red berries
19610367 Juniperus chinensis ‘Maney’ Maney juniper 3 ft x 9 ft Evergreen; upright bushy growth habit
19540297 Ligustrum vulgare ‘Cheyenne’ Cheyenne privet 2 ft x 3 ft Wyoming selection; glossy foliage; tough plant
19650791 Lonicera × xylosteoides ‘Clavey’s Dwarf’ Clavey’s Dwarf honeysuckle 3 ft x 6 ft Vigorous early to leaf and easy to grow
19770300 Lonicera × xylosteoides ‘Clavey’s Hedge King’ Clavey’s Hedge King honeysuckle 2 ft x 2 1/2 ft Vigorous early to leaf and easy to grow
19770306 Lonicera alpigena ‘Nana’ Alps honeysuckle 2 ft x 2 ft Vigorous early to leaf and easy to grow
19760290 Lonicera caerulea var. altaica sweetberry honeysuckle 3 ft x 7 ft Vigorous early to leaf and easy to grow
19540461 Lonicera maximowiczii Sakhalin honeysuckle 3 ft x 4 ft Vigorous early to leaf and easy to grow
19700141 Lonicera xylosteum ‘Emerald Mound’ fly honeysuckle 2 ft x 3 ft Vigorous early to leaf and easy to grow
19870453 Lonicera ‘Honey Rose’ Honey Rose honeysuckle 4 ft x 3 ft
Vigorous early to leaf and easy to grow; red spring flowers
19670593 Philadelphus coronarius ‘Aureus’ golden mockorange 1 1/2 ft x 2 ft Chartreuse foliage
20190441 2019 Philadelphus ‘Snow White Fantasy’ Snow White™ Snow White mockorange 3 ft x 2 ft Fragrant spring flowers
20060785 2007 Physocarpus opulifolius ‘Center Glow’ Center Glow ninebark 3 ft x 2 ft Showy red foliage
19880707 Physocarpus opulifolius ‘Dart’s Gold’ Dart’s Gold ninebark 4 ft x 5 ft Showy golden foliage
20130543 2016 Physocarpus opulifolius ‘UMNHarpell’ Fireside® Fireside ninebark 27 in x 18 in Small dark purple foliage
20040281 2004 Picea × albertiana Black Hills spruce, hedge around entire display 4 ft x 3 ft Evergreen bluegreen foliage
19620270 Pinus banksiana broom Jack pine dwarf 25 ft x 25 ft
Seedlings from a witch’s broom show reduced height
19620509 Potentilla fruticosa ‘Jackmanii’ bush cinquefoil 28 in x 3 ft Yellow flowers in summer
19680130 Potentilla fruticosa ‘Primrose Beauty’ bush cinquefoil 2 ft x 2 1/2 ft Pink flowers in summer
20100565 2010 Potentilla fruticosa ‘UMan’ Mango Tango™ bush cinquefoil 2 ft x 3 ft Orange and yellow flowers in summer
20190443 Prunus besseyi ‘P011S’ Pawnee Buttes® western sand cherry 18 in x 20 in Early spring white flowers, red and green foliage
19650040 Rhus aromatica fragrant sumac 2 ft x 5 ft Attractive foliage, later to leaf out in spring
19670618 Ribes alpinum Alpine currant 3 ft x 3 ft Early spring yellow flowers
20190444 2019 Ribes nigrum ‘Consort’ Consort black currant 28 in x 2 ft Edible fruits; attractive for wildlife
20080370 Salix integra ‘Hakuro-Nishiki’ dappled willow 4 ft x 5 ft Variegated colorful foliage changes with seasons
19530067 Salix purpurea ‘Nana’ dwarf arctic willow 2 1/2 ft x 2 1/2 ft Blue-gray foliage
20150343 2015 Salix ‘Flame’ willow 40 in x 32 in Showy red stems
19670599 Spiraea × vanhouttei Vanhoutte spirea 3 1/2 ft x 3 1/2 ft
White spring flowers, long cascading branches if left unpruned
19901063 Spiraea × vanhouttei Vanhoutte spirea 20 in x 2 ft
White spring flowers, long cascading branches if left unpruned
19570312 Spiraea japonica ‘Anthony Waterer’ Vanhoutte spirea 2 ft x 2 ft
White spring flowers, long cascading branches if left unpruned
19700142 Spiraea nipponica ‘Snowmound’ Snowmound spirea 20 in x 3 ft
White spring flowers, long cascading branches if left unpruned
19750312 Symphoricarpos occidentalis western snowberry 27 in x 2 ft Native plant
19650787 Syringa × chinensis Chinese lilac 3 ft x 3 ft Tough plant, spring flowers
19830215 unpruned Syringa meyeri Meyer lilac 5 ft x 5 ft
Easy to grow in natural unpruned form for colorful and hardy hedge
20160381 2016 Syringa pubescens subsp. patula ‘Miss Kim’ Miss Kim lilac 2 ft x 2 ft Very fragrant flowers.
20080371 2008 Thuja occidentalis ‘Bailjohn’ Technito® Technito American arborvitae 22 in x 20 in Hardy evergreen
19901064 Thuja occidentalis ‘Hoseri’ Hoseri American arborvitae 28 in x 3 ft Short evergreen
19740338 Thuja occidentalis ‘Techny’ Techny American arborvitae 4 ft x 6 ft Tough reliable plant for evergreen hedge
19670714 Thuja occidentalis ‘Wareana’ Wareana American arborvitae 6 ft x 7-10 ft Can be trained to large hedge, formal or informal
19700143 Viburnum dentatum arrowwood viburnum 3 1/2 ft x 5 ft Hardy native with fruit for birds
20110552 2011 Viburnum dentatum ‘Christom’ Blue Muffin® arrowwood viburnum 3 1/2 ft x 3 ft Blue berries in fall
19660768 Viburnum lentago wayfaring tree viburnum 4 ft x 5 ft
Glossy foliage, white early summer flowers and fruit for wildlife
20160383 2016 Viburnum trilobum ‘Wentworth’ American highbush cranberry 2 1/2 ft x 2 ft Red fruits in fall
20110553 2015 Weigela florida ‘Java Red’ Java Red weigela 28 in x 25 in Purple foliage, early summer pink flowers
* The accession number is given to a plant when it is acquired by the MLA. The first four numbers designate the year of the accession. This may or may not be the year it was planted in the hedge display.
** The year planted refers to the year the plant was planted in the hedge display, some plants were acquired before they were planted in the hedge display.
*** Approximate measurements; most plants are several inches wider at the base, than top, which promotes plant health.