
Academic Success Resources

Dental therapy students in class

Maintaining strong academic standards are likely a top priority for you. It can sometime be challenging to adjust to new ways of learning and studying. On this page you will find more information about academic success resources available to you.

Tutoring Services

In addition to the tips provided in other sections, we also encourage you to utilize the free tutoring services provided by the School of Dentistry. School of Dentistry tutors are all current clinical dental students in the Doctor of Dental Surgery and Dental Therapy programs who have a passion for helping students succeed. The goal of the tutor program is to provide you with assistance to build your confidence with course and lab content.

Tutors are available during after hour practice times in the preclinic practice lab, and can also help on a one-on-one basis for lecture or study skills assistance. Lab tutor availability and hours can be found on the preclinical practice signup sheet which is linked on the tutoring page of the Student Intranet [student support > tutoring].

If you are interested in learning more about utilizing tutoring services, you can contact Shannon Gilligan Wehr.

What do your peers think of tutoring?

“The tutoring program has been an amazing resource for me. To get one on one time with an upper class man to ask questions and have them watch you do the procedure in lab is very helpful and has helped me learn a lot.” – DDS student

“The preclinic tutors are wonderful. I have asked and gained their help so many times, and it’s great to learn more ways to do something than just what is taught by the instructors.” – DDS student

“The mentors at the open lab/sim lab were always reliable and quickly became integral and invaluable to my success in my first year. They raised my confidence, provided me with alternative techniques/strategies to approach class work/practical exams, and even gave better insight with regards to expectations for following semesters/years, as well as advice for specialization. Always approachable and friendly, it would be a shame to let this resource fly under your radar.” – DDS student

Disability Resource Center (DRC)

The Disability Resource Center (DRC) works in collaboration with the University community to ensure access for all students. Students with disabilities may request accommodations to address barriers they anticipate or are presently experiencing through their office. If you think you will need assistance, it is recommended that you register with the DRC early, to ensure your needs are met prior to the start of classes. The DRC can also provide short-term accommodations for those experiencing unexpected illnesses, injury, medical situations, or other similar scenarios.

University of Minnesota Libraries

The University of Minnesota Libraries offer a variety of resources to support students’ academic success, both on campus and remotely. The main page of the Libraries website offers information on reserving a study space, online tutoring, databases for research purposes, and more. The student support services offered by the libraries include:

  • peer research consultations
  • media equipment and consultations
  • tutorials
  • workshops

The Health Sciences Library is located in the Health Sciences Education Center (HSEC) and connected Phillips-Wangensteen building. For specific information about dentistry related topics visit this dentistry resource page. Additional supported spaces include:

  • data and visualization lab
  • makerspace
  • virtual reality studio

Melissa Ernst is the School of Dentistry’s Librarian. Feel free to contact Melissa at mhernst@umn.edu for any library related questions.


A Guide for Success at the University of Minnesota School of Dentistry Copyright © 2021 by Kristin Shingler and Shannon Gilligan Wehr. All Rights Reserved.