
Office of Student & Resident Affairs

Office of Student & Resident Affairs

The Office of Student & Resident Affairs is a good place to start if you have questions, aren’t certain where to go for an answer, or if you need to get away for a minute and grab a piece of candy. Their office is located in 15-106 Moos Tower. The OSRA staff provides a multitude of resources to students, including academic and career counseling, absence requests, wellbeing programming, tutoring, job postings, locker assignments and locks, scholarships, emergency funding, and more.


Dr. Mercedes Porter| port0194@umn.edu Shannon Gilligan Wehr | gill0391@umn.edu
Academic & career counseling
Academic support
Advisement on SOD policies and procedures
Mental health
Confidential concerns
Resource referrals
Planned absences
and academic success assistance
Wellbeing and mental health
Confidential concerns
Resource referrals
Emergency funding
Photo coming soon
Carson Backhus | back0240@umn.edu Lauren Anderson | and10988@umn.edu
White Coat Ceremony
Senior Banquets
Community service activities
Immunization status
Job posting and job board
Room reservations
Background studies
Locker assignments

Jacquelin Wieland | jwieland@umn.edu

Scholarships and Awards
Student Organization support




A Guide for Success at the University of Minnesota School of Dentistry Copyright © 2021 by Kristin Shingler and Shannon Gilligan Wehr. All Rights Reserved.