
Terminology – Latin and Greek roots and suffixes

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Veterinary Anatomy

Anatomical Terms

(-L = Latin; -G = Greek)

-ceps -L. heads
-physis -G. growth
acetabulum -Roman vinegar cup
acromion -G. summit of the shoulder (omos)
ala -L. wing
alba -L. white
alveolus -L. small compartment
ansa -L. loop
anus -L. ring
arachnoid -G. spider
artery -G. air carrier
arthro-G. joint
atrium -L. antechamber
azygos -G. unpaired
brachio -L. arm
brevis -L. short
buccinator/buccal -L. cheek
bulla -L. bubble
bursa -L. purse
cadaver -L. fallen one
calcaneus -L. heel
cancellous -L. lattice
capillary -L. hair
caput -L. head
carina -L. keel of a boat
camae -L. fleshy
carotid -G. deep sleep
carpal -L. wrist
caruncle -L. small, fleshy mass
cauda equina -L. horse’s tail
cecum -L. blind end
cephal-L. head
cerebellum -L. little brain
cerebrum -L. brain
cervix -L. neck
chiasma -G. crossing
syn -G. with
chondro -G. cartilage
chyle -G. juice
clavicle -L. little key
clinoid -G. like a bedpost
coccyx -G. shaped like a cuckoo’s beak
cochlea -G. snail shell
colon -G. food passage
conchae -L. shells
condyle -G. knuckle
coracoid -G. crow
corpora -L. bodies
costa -L. rib
cremaster -G. suspender
cribiform -L. sieve-shaped
cricoid -G. ring-like
crista galli -L. cock’s crest
crus -L. leg
cuneiform -L. wedge-shaped
dartos -G. to be skinned
deltoid -G. triangle
dens -G. tooth
dia -G. between
diaphragm -G. partition
diploe -G. double
dorsum sellae -L. back of the saddle
duodenum -L. twelve (finger’s breadth in length)
dura mater -L. hard mother
epi -G. upon
epididymus -G. upon the testis
epiglottis -G. upon the tongue
ethmoid -G. sieve-like
falc-/falx -L. sickle
fascia -L. band
fascia lata -L. broad band
filum -L. thread
fimbriae -L. fringes
foramen -L. aperture
fornix -L. arch
fossa -L. pit
fovea -L. pit
frenulum -L. little bridle
fundi form -L. sling-like
fundus -L. bottom
ganglion -G. knot
gastro-G. stomach or belly
Gastrocnemius -belly of the knee
Gemellus -L. little twin
genu -L. knee
gland /glans -L. acorn
glenoid -G. socket shape
glossal -G. tongue
glottis -G. larynx
gluteal -G. buttock
gonad -G. seed
gracilis -L. slender
gubernaculum -L. governor
hallux -L. great toe
hamate -L. hook-shaped
hernia -L. sprout or shoot
hiatus -L. aperture
hyoid -G. upsilon-shaped
ileum -twisted
ilium -L. flank
incisal -L. cut into
incus -L. anvil
infundibulum -L. funnel
ingiunal -L. groin
iris -G. rainbow or halo
ischium -G. hip
isthmus -G. narrow passage
jejunum -L. empty
jugular -L. yoke around throat
labrum -L. lip
lacteal -L. milk
lamina -L. thin plate
latissimus dorsi -L. widest of the back
lepto -G. slender
levator -L. lifts
lien-L. spleen
ligament -L. to bind
linea aspera -L. rough line
lingula -L. tongue
lumbrical -L. earthworm
lymph -L. clear water
macula lutea -L. yellow spot
malleus -L. hammer
mandible -L. to chew
manubrium -L. handle
masseter -G. chewer
meatus -L. passage
mediastinum -L. middle septum
meninges -G. membranes
meniscus -G. crescent
mesentery -G. middle of the intestine
mesoderm -G. middle skin
meta-G. beyond
metacarpal-G. after the wrist
mitral -L. bishop’s cap
molar -L. mill
navicular -L. little boat
nucha -L. scruff of the neck
obturator -L. occludes .
oculo-L. eye
odontoid -G. tooth-like
olecranon -G. elbow head
omentum -L. veil
Omohyoid -G. u-shaped structure of the
ophthalmo-G. eye
ostium -L. mouth
ovary -L. egg receptacle
palpebral -L. eyelid
pampin-L. tendril
pancreas -G. all flesh (no fat)
parietal -L. wall
parotid -G. near the ear
patella -L. little plate
pectineus -L. comb
pectoral -L. breast
pedicle -L. little foot
pelvis -L. wide basin
penis -L. tail hanging down
phalanx -G. battle ranks
phren-G. diaphragm
pia mater -L. tender mother
piriformis -L. pear-like
pisiform -L. like a pea
plexus -L. braid
pollicis -L. thumb
pons -L. bridge
porta -L. gate
psoas -G. muscle of the loin
pudendal -L. to be ashamed
pylorus -G. gatekeeper
quadratus -L square
radius -L. spoke of a wheel
ramus -L. branch
raphe -G. seam
rectus -L. straight
sacrum -L. sacred
sagittal -L. arrow
salpinx -G. tube
Sartorius -L. tailor
scalene -G. triangle with unequal sides
scaphoid -G. rowboat-like
sclera -G. hard
scrotum -L. bag of skin
sella turcica -Turkish saddle
septum -L. fence
serratus -L. saw
sesamoid -G. sesame seed-like
sigmoid -G. like an S
sinus -L. hollowed out
skeleton -G. dried up
sphenoid -G. wedge-like
sphincter -G. strangle
splenius -G. bandage
stapes -L. stirrup
styloid -G. pillar-like
sulci -L. furrow
sura -L. calf
suture -L. sew
symphysis -G. grown together
tectum/tegmen -L. roof
tendon -; L. stretch out
tentorium -L. tent
teres -L. round
testis -witness
thyroid -G. like a shield
tibia -L. flute
trabecula -L. wooden beam
trochlea -L. pulley
tubercle -L. bump
tympanic -L. drum
ulna -L. elbow
uncinate -L. hook-shaped
urachus -G. to pour urine
ureter, urethra -G. to make water
uterus -L. leather water bottle
uvula -L. little grape
vagina -L. sheath for a sword
vagus -L. wandering
vas -L. vessel
ventricle -L. little belly
vermiform -L. worm
viscera -L. soft parts
vitelline -L. egg yolk
vomer -L. ploughshare
xiphoid -G. sword
zygoma -G. yoke


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